lunedì, gennaio 27, 2014

Cercasi Digital Planner a New York. Interessa?

Io francamente sarei tentato di andarci, non fosse che spostare famiglia, gatti e barca oltreoceano...

Comunque - condivido questa mail che mi è arrivata e che ho concordato di pubblicare, con l'avvertenza che non conosco di persona il reclutatore - quindi adottate le dovute cautele :-)

NON scrivete a me ma alla mail che trovate in fondo al post. Non ho altri dettagli. Vedete voi.
Il reclutatore lo trovate qui:

I'm seeking a candidate for a Digital Strategist with 7+ years of relevant digital agency experience who will work as part of a Digital team in New York and collaborating with a London office. The role will be both hands-on working with clients as well as a strategic role working with the Digital team. This new role reflects the continuing expansion of the agency in the digital space and in particular in digital growth in the USA.

The Digital Strategist will have a broad role within the business. First, they will lead pitch activity and engagement with some of the key clients, delivering value across a wide range of activities including strategy, direction, search engine optimisation, analytics, usability, social media and online/offline alignment. The role will work closely with teams across the digital spectrum: project managers, designers and developers, and will be the focal point for their key accounts within the business. 
Responsibilities include participation in pitch activity, developing their own intellectual capital and being an intrinsic part of Digital marketing efforts. 

Thirdly the role will be expected to work closely with the Director of Digital and London-based Digital Strategists in developing our offer and particularly in identifying opportunities for integration with other business offers. To this end they will be required to develop relationships and work closely with other parts of our business, particularly our video and creative teams.

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