mercoledì, ottobre 22, 2014

Grandi. Di notte, al museo, si aggirano i robot. Streaming e telecomando incluso.

Un po' di cultura. Tate Gallery.

Avete mai sognato di introdurvi di notte, in un museo. E di esplorarlo, da soli? (io, sì).

Beh, Tate ha reso possibile questo sogno. Per pochi giorni, ad Agosto.

Introducendo 4 robot che di notte si aggiravano per le sale, illuminando con un faretto i pezzi e mandando in streaming il video - per ricreare l'impressione di essersi introdotti a godere clandestinamente dell'arte fuori orario.

Quasi magico.

Anche perché alla guida dei robot c'era... il pubblico.
Persone normali. Che, online, potevano prendere per 5 minuti il controllo del veicolo, e guidarlo. Per poi cedere il volante ma continuare a godersi lo streaming della visita notturna.

Empowering people.

Tate After Dark.
ma anche:
e la BBC:

Ecco il video:

The final frontier: Astronauts, robots and sneaking into the gallery after dark

This week, you can peek through the ‘eyes’ of four robots who will be roaming the darkened galleries in Tate Britain after all the visitors have left, controlled by anyone across the world who logs on through the website:

On Wednesday 13, Thursday 14 and Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 between 22.00 BST and 03.00 BST, you can log in to view the robots on their journey through the artworks and even remotely control their movements. If your kids (or you) can’t stay up that late, Friday 15 is the night for you, when the robots will be taking a turn about the galleries between 19.30 BST and 00.30 BST.

The first robot master was Colonel Chris Hadfield, retired commander of the International Space Station (you may remember him as the singing astronaut performing David Bowie's Space Oddity), though he navigated the robots this time from the slightly more mundane location of his home in Toronto.

After Dark has been created by design studio The Workers: Tommaso Lanza, Ross Cairns and David Di Duca. It is the winning project of the IK Prize 2014, which, supported by the Porter Foundation, is a new annual prize presented by Tate which celebrates digital creativity and seeks to widen access to art through the application of digital technology.

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